Finding OER For Your Class

Finding the right open educational resources (OER) is the most challenging part of using OER in your classroom. These resources are a great place to start.

Open Textbooks

Start here to find resources for all subjects:

  • Mason OER Metafinder: Searches across dozens of sites for OER and other openly licensed scholarly materials

  • OpenStax: Affiliated with Rice University and publisher of some of the most widely used OER focused on lower division, general education courses

  • Open Textbook Library: Free, peer-reviewed, and openly-licensed textbooks for higher education

  • Pressbooks Directory: Provides an index of thousands of titles published across almost 100 PressbooksEDU networks

  • OER Commons: Public digital library of OER

  • MERLOT: Free, international, and open peer-reviewed collection of OER

Not finding what you need? Here are more places to search:

OER-Related Information and Resources

Find more specific resources

Open Books

Evaluating OER

Unsure if an OER is the right fit? Not all OER are created equal. Use the Affordable Learning Georgia guide to Selecting Textbooks to help you find the right match.

OER from the Emory Community